"Faith Formation is more than a subject to be taught- it is an invitation to a way of life."
Faith Formation for the 2024-2025 school year begins on September 4th. Register your children now to assure that we have enough materials on hand when classes start!
We are still seeking a few more teachers, helpers, and substitutes.
Please contact Allison Comstock, Director of Religious Education, allison@holyfamilygf.org, if you feel called to fill one of these roles!
- Faith Formation Registration Form
- Faith Formation Sacrament Prep Form for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation
- Click here to make Faith Formation online payment
- Please click the link above and fill out the forms that pertain to you and mail, email (allison@holyfamilygf.org) or hand deliver with your payment to the parish office. If paying online, please make a note on your form!
2024-2025 Pre K - 8th Grade Calendar
2024-2025 9th-12th Grade Youth Group Calendar