Contact the parish office to be on our Faith Formation team.
- RCIA Sponsor/Support Person - (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Serve as a mentor in the Christian life for a non-Catholic desiring full reception into the Church. Must be a practicing Catholic who has been baptized, received the Eucharist and has been confirmed. Contact the parish office at 704-746-1454.
- Catechist Grades PS-5 - Teach/facilitate the lessons from a predetermined program while sharing your faith and relationship with Jesus.
- Catechist Middle School - Teach/facilitate the lessons from a predetermined program while sharing your faith and relationship with Jesus.
- Catechist High School - Teach/facilitate the lessons from a predetermined program while sharing your faith and relationship with Jesus.
- Marriage Sponsoring Couples - Using a predetermined program, the sponsoring couple's goal is to aid the engaged couple in understanding the importance of good communication skills. Volunteers meet with engaged couples in their home. The number of meetings varies. Contact the parish office at 746-1454 if you'd like to help with this.