United by our common baptism and Father, we of the Holy Family community praise God for the abundant gifts given to each and every one of us and we take seriously our responsibility to use these gifts in service for the good of all creation.

Stewardship Opportunities


Get involved at Holy Family! Make new friends, share your faith, and give back to your parish community! Contact the Parish Office (701-746-1454) if you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities.

Our most pressing needs are in the following areas:


Sacristan: Sacristans prepare the items used during the Eucharist for Mass. The Sacristan also acts as sort of a "quarterback" for the team of Mass volunteers.  Time commitment is typically no more than one weekend Mass per month. A short training session is required.

Usher: Direct the flow of traffic within the church. Collect offering and tidy up the pews after Mass. Time commitment is typically no more than one weekend Mass per month.  Being an usher is a GREAT way for high school kids to get involved! 

Lector: Read the Bible passages during Mass! Time commitment is typically no more than one Mass per month. A short training session is required. 


Faith Formation Subs and Helpers:  We are always looking for subs and helpers for our Wednesday evening Faith Formation classes. 


Get Involved!